C5 integration

Got a Shopify Shop with integration for C5

Most families with children are familiar with Done by Deer - a Danish company for which Helene Hjorth and her team design all the products. (‘Hjorth’ is pronounced in the same way as ‘hjort’, which means ‘deer’ in Danish). And the quick reader may be able to understand the connection between the surname, Hjort, and the company name, Done by Deer.

Done by Deer sells children's toys and articles from newborn to 4-5 years of age, but with the widest selection of products for babies from 0-1.5 years. All products is made in Scandinavian design with a playful touch, and storytelling is a large part of the business strategy. All products have an exciting story and a reason to play - something that also repeats itself in all product texts on


At Done by Deer, design, beautiful colors and innovative ideas are combined.

With products from Done by Deer, you experience a connection between toys that are part of the child's developmental journey, and which also create a beautiful balance when decorating the children's room. The delicate colors, the innovative design and the simplicity are not compromised. These are concepts that are constantly being developed and expanded.


Especially the well-known animals create joy in children's rooms. They each have a story and a motto that characterizes them and their personality. It makes it clear that we are all different.

We have had a really good collaboration with MCB. And Mads in particular has been a good partner. He has quickly gained an understanding of our wishes, and he has managed to take our ideas and shape them into the webshop we have today.


Along the way, we have also been presented with constructive ideas for development - and we have felt a great deal of commitment.

Tinne Bering, Head of Marketing at Done by Deer

A playful universe was created with Shopify

Over the years, Done By Deer has been able to trade in physical stores around the world. And the business have a large B2B network.

Now, however, it was time for something new. And it should be possible to shop B2C via an online shop.


Done by Deer drew up a thorough specification, and Shopify was the best match - as always it is a flexible platform, also in terms of development and optimization.


It was important to have a good editor experience, so that the employees at Done by Deer would be able to edit and expand their shop universe's sections as desired without being dependent on a developer. This is due, among other things, to a marketing department that originates from the creative and communicative universe, and which therefore needs the freedom to develop the content they in their playful universe.


An in-depth integration to the ERP system, C5 was also a major requirement.


Done by Deer's new shop is currently available in English. And prior to the project, there were not high hopes for, for example, the French market, as the belief was that French translations were necessary before a trade would take place there. However, the reality is different.

France has now turned out to be the biggest market for the new shop - perhaps because this is a B2C segment that has demanded the shop and which already is familiar with the Scandinavian brand?


Despite the fact that Done by Deer has gone live with its new shop at a time when much online shopping is difficult, the company has managed to get a larger basket size than expected. Therefore, it is exciting to see what the future holds. At Done by Deer, there is a desire for both more languages ​​and more currencies.

Done by Deer streamlines with a C5 integration

Prior to working with Done by Deer, the idea was to use a standard theme in Shopify. However, it soon became clear that there was a need for customization to fulfill the wishes - and they now have a custom theme.

Done by Deer has a theme that reflects their wishes and meets their need for automation and efficiency in everyday life.


This is mainly due to the focus on the integration to the ERP system, C5.

In order to ease the daily workload at Done by Deer, it has been important that information in C5 is automatically reflected on the webshop. In addition, a large number of automations have been set up, which ensure a centralized way of thinking, which ensures that the work is only carried out once.


In the new shop the employees at Done by Deer though manually select the products to be viewed in conjunction with the product you are looking at. It can be, for example, similar products or complementary products. The manual work is a healthy process for the marketing team, which gives them the opportunity to spot deficiencies in their product range.


MCB has built the integration between C5 and Shopify and in order to succeed, fields have been added in C5 specific to the webshop. This means that all the data and content that is incorporated and maintained in C5 is automatically reflected in Shopify. And this is not just about product information, master data such as product descriptions and images, but also dynamic product templates, graphic overlays, sorting of products, etc., which ensure effective centralization.

This means that the employee at Done by Deer simply has to create a product in C5, select category and product group, and the product will then be created in Shopify with the colors, logos, icons, texts etc..


In addition to information, data and content, C5 also handles orders. That's why Done by Deer has everything together in one place and a tool where they are able to compare products and sales. It gives a good overview in everyday life.


In addition to the C5 integration, Done by Deer has had major work done in terms of speed optimization, i.a. through a massive analysis of the apps used. This means that the standard code of the selected theme has been adjusted, so that the shop runs significantly faster than if it were a standard setup.

Rasmus Høegh Refstrup
Customer Manager

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