Custom development

International brand website launched with HubSpot

FREEDA Solutions, a rebranding of a well-known and global leader in individual feeding technology for agriculture, faced the challenge of cementing its global presence. The two partners behind the brand wanted to showcase their international presence in a professional and innovative way through an international brand website, supporting the advanced feeding systems, welfare solutions, and customer cases that characterize FREEDA Solutions.

Advanced technology used worldwide

FREEDA Solutions is a trusted provider of advanced feeding technology for pig production. The technology ensures that each animal receives the right amount of feed in a calm and controlled environment, resulting in healthier animals, improved animal welfare, and better production conditions.

FREEDA’s brand website was developed in collaboration with the parent company Agrisys A/S and their international partner, Agrihub in Canada, and serves as a central platform to showcase solutions and enhance global presence. The company has dealers and customers worldwide who use the website to stay updated on the latest developments.

The website, built in HubSpot CMS, allows both the Danish and Canadian teams to serve their markets effectively while ensuring that customers always have access to knowledge in the field.

A user-friendly theme with minimal custom adjustments

HubSpot was chosen because it is a globally recognized system that can be operated from both Denmark and Canada while also catering to sellers and customers worldwide, including China. Additionally, it is a well-tested platform that offers high security.


To meet the need for a user-friendly and modern website, FREEDA actively participated in the theme selection. By combining their mockups with design, colors, and functionality, and MCB’s experience with theme options, there was consensus on the same theme that meets both design requirements and functional needs.


By choosing a theme that required only minimal adjustments, FREEDA ensured an efficient and smooth development process. MCB set up the foundation, designed templates, and ensured everything worked technically, after which FREEDA added the content.


This collaboration enabled a quick launch of a professional website with a focus on:


Structure and functionality: FREEDA developed a complete website with a wide range of elements that allow for great creative freedom. The website presents solutions and technologies in a way that is easy for both customers and dealers to understand.


Modern design and user-friendliness: A modern and streamlined design ensures that the website stands out in the market. FREEDA has focused on creating a website that is easy to navigate and offers a great user experience, both internally and externally.


Presentation of solutions and cases: The website focuses on solution descriptions rather than individual products, as FREEDA deals with large, advanced systems and calculations for projects. Customers need reading material with technical specifications and general inspiration.

By including cases and background articles, they can read about how others use the systems and what they have achieved. This ensures a credible presentation of FREEDA's technologies. Important contact points, news pages, and a blog (which is still under development) are also integrated.



When we were looking for a supplier in the Danish market, we chose MCB, who has been a reliable partner throughout the entire process. MCB’s pricing is mid-range, it has been easy to reach them whenever we had questions, and we have been very satisfied with everyone we’ve been in contact with. We have never felt like we were asking 'stupid' questions.


From HubSpot training and project management to technical expertise, we have been understood. We have always had reasonable discussions about what we wanted, what was possible, what was not possible, and what could be developed. This has led to a constructive collaboration, where we have been met by people working to provide us with the best solution.




Graphic Designer & Marketing Manager at FREEDA

Custom dealer portal ensures a high level of service

In the selected HubSpot theme, setting up the desired dealer contact interface posed a challenge, as the standard features could not meet FREEDA's specific requirements.

To address this issue, MCB developed a custom dealer map, specifically designed to meet FREEDA's needs for presenting their dealer network in a clear and user-friendly way.

The custom dealer map includes detailed information about each dealer, such as contact details and geographic location. This makes it easy and quick for customers to find and contact relevant dealers, which is especially important for maintaining a high level of service across global markets.


At the same time, it ensures that all customers receive a consistent experience, regardless of their location.


View the dealer map here.

FREEDA Solution

A modern design meets satisfaction from sales representatives

FREEDA's new international brand website has received positive feedback from both dealers and customers worldwide.

They appreciate how the website successfully combines various cultural preferences to create a consistent user experience across markets in Asia, Australia, Europe, and the USA. This international consistency ensures that customers, regardless of location, receive a professional and cohesive experience when visiting FREEDA's website.

Canadian partners have also expressed great satisfaction with the modern design, which makes it easy to present the advanced solutions, and internally, employees have praised the website for its intuitive structure and user-friendliness, making it easy to navigate.

The widespread satisfaction among both internal and external stakeholders confirms that the website meets FREEDA's high standards while supporting their global sales efforts.

FREEDA Solution

More conversions with HubSpot

HubSpot has proven to be an intuitive and simple system that also looks professional front-end. This makes it easy for the team to keep the website updated, which is why FREEDA aims to expand its use by integrating more of the platform's Hubs, such as CRM. This could create synergy between the various functions and further optimize their workflows.

The plan is also to migrate the main website for Danish Agrisys to HubSpot to achieve a recognizable design across the entire organization. This will simplify internal administration by consolidating work into a single system.

A complete transition to HubSpot will also enable faster updates, the implementation of a service and ticketing system, as well as the integration of sales and technical support. This will enhance customer management and allow the sales team to fully leverage the customer database and CRM features.

Who is Freeda Solutions?

FREEDA Solutions is an innovative brand with many years of experience in developing advanced feeding solutions for pig production. The company was previously part of a larger Dutch corporation, but at the turn of the year to 2024, it transitioned into a partnership between the Danish Agrisys and Canadian AgriHub, which now share the global market.


The company has established a strong market presence by delivering precision feeding, weighing technology, and individual feeding systems that ensure optimal animal welfare and efficiency in agriculture.


Their core competence lies in their weighing and individual feeding solutions, which cater to individual animals on modern farms with free-range animals in welfare systems. The system uses chip technology, where each sow has a chip in its ear that communicates with the feeding system. When the sows enter a feeding station, the system identifies them via the chip and delivers the feed they need. This ensures that each sow receives the correct amount and blend of feed to stay healthy and fit.


Additionally, FREEDA Solutions offers solutions for individual, electronically controlled feeding of sows in farrowing pens (with newborn piglets), sorting of slaughter pigs, and systems that measure the efficiency of feed against the growth of individual animals based on their weight.


With a strong global presence and a solid partnership with both Agrisys and AgriHub, FREEDA Solutions is well-positioned to continue its growth and success in the global market.

Rasmus Høegh Refstrup
Customer Manager

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