UMBRACO updates

Get maximum benefit from your Umbraco site with the latest updates and releases. Our Certified Umbraco team is ready to help you with a migration.

Therefore, you should migrate to the latest Umbraco version

The latest Umbraco release always includes the newest functionalities.


Additionally, the following improvements are ensured:


  • Security: Updates in the latest version of Umbraco CMS often include important security patches that protect your website from known vulnerabilities. By migrating to the latest version, you can benefit from enhanced security and reduce the risk of your website being compromised.

  • Performance: Newer versions of Umbraco may have performance optimizations and improvements that make your website faster and more responsive. This can enhance the user experience and contribute to better search engine rankings.

  • Functionality: Each version of Umbraco typically introduces new features, improved user interface, and updates to existing functionality. By migrating to the latest version, you gain access to these features, which can enhance the editing experience for content editors and provide you with more tools to manage and expand your website.

  • Support and maintenance: As an open-source platform, Umbraco relies on an active community and a large developer network. By keeping yourself up to date and on the latest version, you can receive better support from the community and also benefit from updates and bug fixes performed by the Umbraco team.

  • Compatibility: When using older versions of Umbraco, compatibility issues can arise with third-party add-ons and integrations. By migrating to the latest version, you ensure the best compatibility with the latest setup of add-ons and tools available to Umbraco users.


It's important to note that migrating to the latest version of Umbraco CMS requires planning, testing, and implementation to ensure a seamless transition. It may be a good idea to involve an experienced Umbraco developer who can assist you through the process and ensure everything works as expected after an upgrade.


We recommend always keeping up with the new releases.

If you are currently working on, for example, Umbraco 8, you cannot immediately migrate to the latest version. Continuous migration is needed from Umbraco 8 to Umbraco 9, and then to Umbraco 10, and so on.

It can be a substantial effort, so instead, you should regularly ensure the update of your Umbraco site.



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Meet your Umbraco team


Morten Overgaard Mønsted

Project Manager & Frontend Developer

Mathias Givskov Hansen

Tech Lead
Bjarne Fyrstenborg

Bjarne Fyrstenborg

Developer, Umbraco MVP
Jesper Ransborg

Jesper Ransborg

Front-end Developer

Leif Pedersen

.Net Developer

Our Umbraco services


UX + UI Design

Our design and UX team work together to create effective and exciting solutions. Unique and user-friendly features are combined to optimize your conversions.



Our developers have various skills. They can assist with backend and frontend development, as well as e-commerce development in .NET. They always incorporate the latest functionalities into your Umbraco website.



We integrate your website with your point of sale (POS) system, warehouse management system (WMS), financial system (ERP), CRM, PIM, and/or other applications, ensuring that your systems work together seamlessly.



We guarantee optimal website performance through comprehensive testing, including UI and UX testing, stress testing, functional testing, and web accessibility testing.


Hosting and support

Your hosting is in safe hands with MCB. We take care of all the technical aspects, so you don't have to worry. We offer 24/7 support, SLAs, and encryption to ensure performance and security.


SLA Agreement

Our team specializes in handling technical issues. When you have an SLA agreement with us, we will analyze, diagnose, and resolve the problems for you promptly, ensuring that your website is fully functional again.

Umbraco releases

Starting from the release of Umbraco 9 (September 2021), a new and improved version (major) is released twice a year. This means that approximately every six months, you should upgrade your current Umbraco version if you want to ensure that you are always working with the best software.


Every 4th major version (every two years) will be long-term supported (LTS), while the remaining versions will be standard-term supported (STS).


Note that all versions before Umbraco 7 are no longer supported.



Long-term Support (LTS)

LTS consists of two phases: the support phase and the security phase.


The support phase begins immediately after a major release. Its purpose is to fix errors and issues and lasts for 9 months. For an LTS release, the support phase lasts for 12 months.


Following that is the security phase, during which only security-related issues are addressed. This phase lasts for 3 months and is extended to 12 months for an LTS release.



End-of-Life (EOL)

After the security phase, the release is considered End-of-Life (EOL), and it is no longer recommended to use it.


Read more about LTS and EOL here.



Umbraco also releases small updates and additions to the current CMS every 6 weeks. The purpose of these is to introduce new features, and they consist of minor improvements and non-disruptive changes.


Patch versions are released as needed and primarily address regression issues (bugs in the latest minor release) and, in some cases, security issues.


When using Umbraco Cloud, all new projects are based on the current major version of Umbraco CMS by default. However, if you want to create a new project on a previous major version, that is possible.


And Umbraco Heartcore is automatically upgraded, so there are no concerns regarding LTS and EOL.



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That's what our partners say

Social og Sundhedsskolen
We are very informal ourselves, and that was also what we where looking for in a bureau. It may well be too large and formal for many agencies. So we were looking for something informal and where we are at eye level with those we are talking to. And we have experienced that at MCB.

We have been very happy with the collaboration with Tine who has always been easy to get in touch with, and she has listened to us and challenged us.

MCB has been very responsive and has taken our ideas and brought them to life for us. And they have done it in a way that does not feel like sales at all costs. Bo has been very honest several times when solutions and ideas have not been financially viable for us. And we are happy about that honesty.

Tania Fogh Sørensen


We have created an awesome solution with!


The portal includes many complex and heavy integrations that work well and they are optimized to the point that everything can run on Umbraco Cloud.

Morten Overgaard Mønsted

Umbraco 15

Umbraco 15, STS (End-of-Life on November 14, 2025)

On November 14, 2024, Umbraco 15 will be released.

Umbraco 15 introduces solid improvements and optimizations that make development more efficient—especially for larger sites with a lot of content.

With updates across the platform, flexibility is increased, and new tools make it easier to work with the APIs.

The new version includes an updated UI for the rich text editor, support for client credentials, and enhancements such as hybrid caching and block-level variants, which improve performance.

Developers can also expect upgraded dependencies like .NET 9 and several experimental features that are worth exploring.

Umbraco 14

Umbraco 13, STS (End-of-Life on May 30, 2025)

On May 30, 2024, Umbraco 14 was released.

This new version introduces a range of updates that enhance both user experience and integration.

These include a new RESTful API that improves communication between the backoffice and backend, expands headless capabilities, and simplifies integration with external systems and custom applications.

The backoffice has also been modernized, as Umbraco 14 has been rebuilt from the ground up using Web Components, TypeScript, and the Umbraco UI Library. This provides a future-proof and highly customizable user interface that also delivers an unmatched developer experience.

Additionally, the version comes with an extension-first approach, meaning that Umbraco 14 is designed for easy customization, allowing businesses to quickly adapt the CMS to their specific needs and integrate seamlessly with other systems.

Umbraco 13

Umbraco 13, LTS (End-of-Life on December 14, 2026)

Umbraco 13, LTS (End-of-Life on December 14, 2026) On December 14, 2023, Umbraco 13 was released.

This new version brings about several changes, including an update to the underlying .NET framework, which now runs on .NET 8 with C# 12. .NET 8 includes thousands of improvements, notably enhancing scalability for better performance and hosting flexibility. You'll also notice improvements in stability, security, as well as a wide range of platform and tool enhancements.

Moreover, there's a brand-new design for the login page, the ability to use blocks in the rich text editor, the capability to create webhooks, and a significant emphasis on headless initiatives.

All these changes translate into several benefits for managing your online business operations.

Umbraco 12

Umbraco 12, STS (End-of-Life on June 29, 2024)

Umbraco 12 is a major release that was released on June 29, 2023.

This version introduces new features like the Content Delivery API, which provides headless capabilities without the need for additional installation. This means that whether you want omnichannel content management or simply to make your Umbraco content available everywhere, it is now possible.

You will also experience support and built-in integration of the popular EF Core (Entity Framework Core) and an updated version of ImageSharp for improved image processing. ImageSharp ensures that your Umbraco projects run with the latest and best tools and continue to be secure and optimized.

Umbraco 12 also includes new versions of all add-ons, including Umbraco Forms, Deploy, and Workflow.

Umbraco 11

Umbraco 11, STS (End-of-Life on December 1, 2023)

Umbraco 11 was released in December 2022 and is the first STS version (Standard-term Support).

It runs on .NET 7 + ASP.NET Core 7, making use of the latest version of Microsoft .NET technology and the newest version of C#.

It features improved editing functionalities with the Block Grid editor, which is a new Property Editor that will replace the popular Grid Layout Editor. This feature is built on modern and future-proof technology.

Additionally, Umbraco 11 introduces "Updating and Decoupling Dependencies." TinyMCE is the JavaScript framework powering the Rich Text Editor in the Umbraco CMS Backoffice. It is a refined engine capable of packaging HTML and displaying it in a user-friendly manner. Umbraco 11 comes with an updated and enhanced version of TinyMCE.

Umbraco 10

Umbraco 10, LTS (End-of-Life on June 16, 2025)

Umbraco 10 was released on June 16, 2022, and is the first major version following the LTS plan. Therefore, it is long-term supported.

This version runs on .NET 6 and ASP.NET Core 6.

It supports SQLite, allowing for an integrated database across platforms, making it easy to get started on Windows, Mac, and Linux. This replaces SQL CE.

Additionally, it utilizes Nullable reference types. This refers to a set of features introduced in C# 8+ and reduces errors in your code by minimizing the likelihood of your code causing a System.NullReferenceException at runtime. Umbraco incorporates Nullable reference types in its APIs.

Umbraco 9

Umbraco 9 (End-of-Life on December 16, 2022)

Umbraco 9 has reached its End-of-Life. The version is no longer supported, and we recommend that you do not use it.

Umbraco 9 was the first version that didn't necessarily need to run on a Windows environment or through Umbraco Cloud but could work on platforms like Linux and Mac. Additionally, this version included the following improvements:

  • The framework was updated from .NET Framework 4.7.2 to .NET 5.
  • The web framework was updated from ASP.NET 4 to ASP.NET Core 5.
  • Authentication of users and website members was updated to ASP.NET Core Identity.
  • Third-party agreements were either completely replaced or updated.
  • Statistical events were replaced with new notification options.
  • The installation process was updated.
Umbraco 8

Umbraco 8 (End-of-Life on February 24, 2025)

Umbraco 8 was introduced in 2019 and is regularly updated with bug fixes and security patches.

This version represents a significant upgrade of the CMS compared to Umbraco 7. Version 8 has contributed to making work with Umbraco easier in terms of extending, editing, and expanding functionality.

Three features, in particular, stand out compared to Umbraco 7:

  • Infinite Editing: Your ability to experience a more streamlined and uninterrupted workflow.
  • Language Variants: Built-in features that assist in managing multilingual content.
  • Content Apps: Your ability to enhance content with valuable data and tips.
Umbraco 7

Umbraco 7 (End-of-Life on September 30, 2023)

After more than 10 years, Umbraco 7 is being announced as End-of-Life. This means that the version will no longer be supported and maintained, including updates, features, and security fixes. Therefore, we no longer recommend hosting your website on this version.

Whether you are facing an upgrade, migration to a new version, or starting a new project, our certified Umbraco developers can guide you in the right direction.

Compared to previous versions of Umbraco, Umbraco 7 introduced a complete redesign of the navigation. It also provided the capabilities of AngularJS and Bootstrap, which proved highly beneficial for those building cross-platform websites with advanced functionalities.

Your Certified Umbraco Partner

We are your Certified Umbraco Gold Partner and Umbraco Commerce Partner. And within our Umbraco team, you'll find a seasoned Umbraco MVP.


With over 20 years of experience, we understand your business, and that goes beyond just the digital aspect and the ability to build the custom integrations you need to meet your requirements. With specialists in marketing, design, and development, we can help you achieve success across your entire business.






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What happens to previous Umbraco versions?

Technically, you can still use previous versions after their End-of-Life, but it is not recommended.

Here are the implications:


  • Risk of security issues: After EOL, no security patches or updates will be provided. While the software may still function, there is no guarantee that it will remain as secure as possible.

  • No guarantee of bug fixes: Any discovered bugs will not be addressed. This also means that your Backoffice may be affected as web browsers automatically update, and any changes in browser behavior can impact your Backoffice.

  • Outdated features and lack of new functionalities: You won't have access to the latest features, and you won't be working with the fastest and best version of Umbraco CMS. The CMS may also not be as reliable and user-friendly as you would like.
    It is therefore recommended to stay up-to-date with the latest supported version of Umbraco CMS to ensure security, stability, and access to the latest features and improvements.

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Frequently Asked Questions about Umbraco updates

What is an Umbraco release?

An Umbraco release is the publication of a new version of the Umbraco CMS software. It includes new features, improvements, bug fixes, and security updates.

What is the difference between a major release and a minor release?

A major release is a significant update that typically introduces major changes and new features. It may require adaptation or upgrades to existing functionality. A minor release, on the other hand, is a smaller update that primarily includes minor improvements, bug fixes, and optimizations.

How often does Umbraco release new versions?

Starting with Umbraco 9 (September 2021), a new major version is released twice a year. Every fourth major version (every two years) will be long-term supported, known as Long-Term Support (LTS), while the remaining versions will be Standard-Term Supported (STS).

What does Standard-Term Support (STS) mean?

Short-Term Support (STS) refers to a release or version of Umbraco software that receives support and maintenance for a short period after its release.

What does Long-Term Support (LTS) mean?

Long-Term Support (LTS) describes a release or version of Umbraco software that receives extended support and maintenance, usually for several years after its release.

What does End-of-Life (EOL) mean?

End-of-Life (EOL) indicates the point in time when a release or version of Umbraco software is no longer supported. This means that there will be no further updates, bug fixes, or security patches available for that version.

How can I find out which Umbraco version I'm using?

You can find the Umbraco version in the Umbraco Backoffice by clicking on the help/info icon and checking the version information. In newer versions from Umbraco 10+, you can also click on the Umbraco logo in the top-left corner to display your version.

How do I upgrade Umbraco to a new version?

Umbraco provides documentation and guides on the upgrade process, and certified Umbraco developers can assist you. It is recommended to create a backup of your existing installation, follow the upgrade instructions, perform testing, and then proceed with the migration.

Want to hear more about Umbraco migration?

Please fill out the form, and I will contact you as soon as possible.

Michael Almstrup