Umbraco Commerce

As both an Umbraco and Commerce Partner, MCB specializes in creating integrated e-commerce solutions that are tailored to your unique needs.

Vendr is now Umbraco Commerce

In 2023, Umbraco announced that they had acquired the company behind Vendr - Vendr ecommerce is a module that enables running webshops on Umbraco CMS. Vendr ensures that you can create and manage your online store directly from Umbraco's CMS interface. Like Umbraco, it is built on .NET technology and offers a range of features that make it easy to manage your e-commerce business, including product management, customer administration, payment gateway integration, and much more.


With this announcement, Umbraco took a big step towards becoming a better e-commerce solution, and now another step has been taken.


During Codegarden 2023, it was announced that Vendr has transformed into Umbraco Commerce.


Umbraco Commerce will initially include the same functionalities as Vendr. Therefore, Commerce is simply the rebranding of Vendr. Commerce will still function as a separate module for Umbraco, integrating with Umbraco CMS. However, there will be an increased focus on developing new features, better integration with add-ons such as Umbraco Deploy, and improved system support.

Combining a webshop and website into one cohesive solution in Umbraco

Having an integrated online presence with both a webshop and a website can be critical for a positive customer experience and a successful business. By integrating your Umbraco website with an e-commerce solution like Umbraco Commerce you can create a seamless and cohesive experience for your customers, who will enjoy a consistent style and a simple user interface.


You will also be able to take advantage of shared features such as user login, search, and shopping cart. And you will have an easier time managing your online presence and customizing it to specific needs with Commerce's customization options.


Umbraco Commerce follows many of the same design cues as Umbraco, and the module will feel familiar to any Umbraco user.
Commerce, therefore, provides developers with the ability to define product properties and the data types that are displayed for editors.


Using Umbraco in this way allows all Umbraco packages from Umbraco 8 and up to be used in conjunction with Commerce, and with only a few adjustments, COmmerce can be added to almost any project.


Umbraco Commerce already contains a wide range of features, but there are also many additional customization options through the large selection of APIs. It also offers a range of SEO and marketing configurations to help optimize your Umbraco webshop.



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Our Umbraco Commerce services


Implementation and customization

We assist with setup and customization of Commerce, so the module will work with your existing Umbraco site.



We integrate Commerce with various third-party platforms and plugins, so you experience a complete ecommerce solution.


Upgrades and maintenance

Our Umbraco specialists ensure that Commerce and your associated systems are always up to date and functioning optimally.



We help ensure that your website performs at 110% through testing of UI, UX, speed check, SEO check, functionality testing, and web accessibility testing. It's your guarantee of functionality.



As with any webshop, Umbraco requires SEO, email marketing, Google Ads, personalized campaigns, and more. Therefore, we are also happy to assist you with your marketing strategy and execution.



Our Umbraco team is experts in handling technical issues. We analyze, diagnose, and solve the problem for you, so your platform will be fully functional in no time.

Meet your Umbraco team


Morten Overgaard Mønsted

Project Manager & Frontend Developer

Mathias Givskov Hansen

Tech Lead
Bjarne Fyrstenborg

Bjarne Fyrstenborg

Developer, Umbraco MVP
Jesper Ransborg

Jesper Ransborg

Front-end Developer

Leif Pedersen

.Net Developer

Features in Commerce that enhance your Umbraco webshop

Vendr ecommerce, now known as Umbraco Commerce is specifically designed to integrate with Umbraco CMS - and now, after the acquisition in 2023, also a part of Umbraco. Commerce is therefore the ideal choice when you want to run a webshop on Umbraco, because you will experience full integration. That way, you can take advantage of the built-in functionalities in both Umbraco and Commerce when creating the webshop that will ensure your online success.


Because Umbraco Commerce is an adaptable and flexible platform, it can be customized to meet the specific requirements and preferences you may have for both your business and your customers.


Overall, Commerce can provide you with an integrated and user-friendly webshop solution.

Some of the key features in Umbraco Commerce include:


  • Flexibility and customization: Commerce is built on .NET technology, which makes it very flexible and adaptable, so you can customize your online store exactly to your specific needs and requirements.

  • Multi: Commerce is unlimited, no matter how many stores, countries, currencies or anything else you need.

  • User-friendly and intuitive interface: With Commerce, you get an easy and clear way to create and manage products, orders, customers, and payments.

  • Easy customization of payment providers: Commerce comes with a number of popular payment providers such as PayPal and Stripe. And if one is missing, Commerce provides an API so you can easily create your own.

  • Product catalog and ordering system: Commerce has an integrated product catalog function that makes it easy to create and manage products and categories, and a robust ordering engine that controls the entire checkout process.

  • Flexible discounts and gift cards: Commerce comes with a range of common discount options, such as product line discounts, package discounts, cart discounts, and discount codes. And they are customizable so you can easily create your own rules.

  • Order processing and return management: Commerce allows you to manage the entire order process, including order processing, shipping, and handling of returns and refunds.

  • User management and customer information: Commerce includes a user-friendly user management function that allows you to manage user access and permissions, as well as an integrated customer information system so you can collect and store customer information - securely.

  • Built-in email function: Commerce comes with a built-in system for configuring and sending emails for order confirmation, shipping information, and receipts, among other things. All emails are fully customizable.

  • Marketing and reporting: Commerce also includes a range of reporting and marketing features, including the ability to create customer-specific prices, integrate with Google Analytics, and generate various reports on sales, orders, and customer information.

  • Strong security: Commerce has a range of security features that protect both your online store and your customers. This includes data encryption, protection against fraud and abuse, and compliance with necessary standards and regulations.



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Your Certified Umbraco Partner

We are your Certified Umbraco Gold Partner and Umbraco Commerce Partner. And within our Umbraco team, you'll find a seasoned Umbraco MVP.


With over 20 years of experience, we understand your business, and that goes beyond just the digital aspect and the ability to build the custom integrations you need to meet your requirements. With specialists in marketing, design, and development, we can help you achieve success across your entire business.






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Internationalization with Umbraco Vendr

Internationalization with Umbraco Commerce

Commerce is scalable and flexible, which allows you to take your e-commerce to new heights and expand your business globally with the solution.

Umbraco Commerce supports multiple currencies, countries, and languages by offering local payment methods and easy currency conversion management as standard. This means you can internationalize from the same backend, reaching a broader customer base and increase your sales across borders.

And because of its high security, you can feel safe running your business globally.

3 things you need to know about Umbraco Vendr

3 things you need to know about Umbraco Commerce

  1. Commerce is built with the future in mind. Therefore, the platform is constantly under development and improvement to ensure it keeps up with the latest trends and technologies in e-commerce.
  2. Commerce is an open-source solution. This means it is possible to customize and extend the code to meet your specific needs. It also allows you to build an online store that is unique and tailored to your company's needs.
  3. Commerce has been developed with a focus on the Danish e-commerce industry. Therefore, there are several features and integration possibilities that are particularly adapted to the Danish market situation. This makes Commerce an ideal solution for Danish companies looking for a reliable and flexible platform to drive their online store.

That's what our partners say

Social og Sundhedsskolen
We are very informal ourselves, and that was also what we where looking for in a bureau. It may well be too large and formal for many agencies. So we were looking for something informal and where we are at eye level with those we are talking to. And we have experienced that at MCB.

We have been very happy with the collaboration with Tine who has always been easy to get in touch with, and she has listened to us and challenged us.

MCB has been very responsive and has taken our ideas and brought them to life for us. And they have done it in a way that does not feel like sales at all costs. Bo has been very honest several times when solutions and ideas have not been financially viable for us. And we are happy about that honesty.

Tania Fogh Sørensen


We have created an awesome solution with!


The portal includes many complex and heavy integrations that work well and they are optimized to the point that everything can run on Umbraco Cloud.

Morten Overgaard Mønsted


Umbraco Commerce on Umbraco 8+

Umbraco Commerce is compatible with Umbraco 8 and above. If you wish to integrate your Umbraco solution with Commerce, an upgrade from an earlier version may be necessary. We recommend this regardless, to ensure you have the latest features, best performance, and highest security.


Learn more about the different Umbraco releases here.


Umbraco Commerce is built on .NET Core, a technology that requires Umbraco 8 or later to run. This ensures seamless integration between ecommerce and CMS functions, improved performance and security, and the ability to take advantage of the latest additions to the Umbraco CMS ecosystem.


Therefore, Commerce uses the latest features, and the first version was developed for Umbraco 8. Since then, Umbraco Commerce has been updated with both a version 2 and a version 3.

Version 2 was made multi-target and therefore works on both Umbraco 8 with .NET Framework and Umbraco 9 with .NET Core, while version 3 works on Umbraco 10+. Here, the focus is on minimizing code layers and supporting both .NET Framework and .NET Core.


In Umbraco 10, SQL CE database support has also been dropped in favor of SQLite, which supports, among other things, Linux, macOS, and Windows.

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Often asked questions for Umbraco Commerce

What is Umbraco Commerce?

Umbraco Commerce, formerly known as Vendr, is an open-source e-commerce platform specifically built for Umbraco CMS.

Is Umbraco Commerce only for Umbraco?

Yes, Umbraco Commerce is an e-commerce platform built specifically for Umbraco CMS and functions as a plugin for Umbraco.

Can I integrate Umbraco Commerce with my existing Umbraco installation?

Yes, Umbraco Commerce can easily be integrated with an existing Umbraco installation by installing the Commerce plugin and configuring it to fit your needs. However, you need to be on at least Umbraco 8.

Is Umbraco Commerce free?

Yes, Umbraco Commerce is an open-source e-commerce platform that is free to use. However, there are some extended features available only in the paid version of Commerce.

Which payment gateways are supported by Umbraco Commerce?

Umbraco Commerce supports a range of payment gateways, including PayPal, Stripe,, and many more. Additionally, it is also possible to create your own payment gateway via API if it is not already included in Commerce.

Can I customize the Commerce theme?

Yes, the Commerce theme can be customized using standard customization methods and technologies.

Is Umbraco Commerce safe to use?

Yes, Umbraco Commerce is a secure e-commerce platform that includes a range of security features, such as data encryption, protection against fraud and abuse, and compliance with necessary standards and regulations.

Do you need help for Umbraco Commerce?

Fill out the form. We are ready to help you.

Michael Almstrup