HubSpot Marketing Hub

Boost you marketing with HubSpot Marketing Hub. You get access to ads, campaigns, email automations, workflows, and much more.

What is HubSpot Marketing Hub?

HubSpot Marketing Hub is one out of 5 Hubs in HubSpot that together provide you with the ultimate CRM system. Marketing Hub includes everything you need for a professional marketing setup.


Are you also tired of juggling different programs for your marketing? Perhaps you are using an email system, several advertising platforms, and a third program for creating forms and landing pages. It requires a lot of clicks during your everyday work, which ultimately takes away from your valuable time.


Fortunately, HubSpot has its very own marketing platform. HubSpot Marketing Hub gathers everything in one place. It is the central location for managing your emails, workflows, ads, organic social media posts, reports, landing pages, forms, and much more. Therefore, it is the tool that saves you from jumping back and forth between systems and the many unnecessary clicks.


HubSpot Marketing Hub is your complete marketing solution that combines CRM, email marketing, campaign automation, and reporting. It is a scalable solution that can be tailored to your company's needs. You have all your marketing tools right at your fingertips, making you more productive and ensuring that you can give each customer a unique experience.



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How to use HubSpot Marketing Hub

Meet your HubSpot team


Martin Mensbo Christiansen


Annemette Rosenkilde Lucas


Dennis Rud Christensen

Lead Developer

Daniel Esbersen

Front-end Developer

Lasse Bech Eiler

Ecommerce Solution Architect

Jacob Lykke

Art Director

Anne Bank Lindberg


4 versions of Marketing Hub: Free, Starter, Professional, and Enterprise

The possibilities with HubSpot's Marketing Hub are numerous, although they vary depending on which solution you choose. HubSpot has divided all 5 Hubs - CMS, Marketing, Sales, Service, and Operations - into 4 levels, which increase in price and number of features. Some of the unique tools require a special subscription.


Therefore, it is important to get a good overview of what is actually possible at the different levels before making a decision. HubSpot Marketing Hub is divided into 4 versions:


HubSpot Marketing Hub Free
As the name suggests, this version is completely free for you to use. HubSpot Marketing Hub Free gives you the basic elements of HubSpot's marketing tools. This includes access to:


  • Email markting
  • Forms
  • Landing pages
  • Contact Management
  • Live chat
  • Facebook, Google og LinkedIn ads
  • Trafik- og konverteringsanalyse


With Marketing Hub Free, you can get started with your marketing efforts in HubSpot. However, you will quickly reach limitations in areas such as the number of emails sent and reporting capabilities.



HubSpot Marketing Hub Starter
A HubSpot Marketing Hub Starter costs from $45 per month. After that, the price may vary depending on your needs and use of the solution. At this level, you get everything from the free version of Marketing Hub plus advanced features such as:


  • Ad targeting
  • Marketing automation
  • Reporting of landing pages
  • 1,000 marketing contacts
  • 24/7 access to HubSpot support
  • Remove HubSpot branding and add your own
  • Personalization of content


With HubSpot Marketing Hub Starter, you take a step up and let HubSpot's many marketing tools work to your advantage.



HubSpot Marketing Hub Professional

HubSpot Marketing Hub Professional starts at at $800 per month. Therefore, it is quite an upgrade from Marketing Hub Starter, and it is also evident in the many features that come with it:


  • Omni-channel marketing and custom workflows
  • Blog
  • Custom report
  • Account-based marketing
  • Campaign management
  • Web traffic analysis
  • Dynamic personalization


HubSpot Marketing Hub Professional is used by many HubSpot users worldwide. It provides a professional marketing setup with powerful tools for ads, campaigns, reporting, and workflows, so you can scale your business.



HubSpot Marketing Hub Enterprise

The monthly cost of HubSpot Marketing Hub Enterprise starts at $3,600. With this solution, you have access to all of HubSpot's unique marketing tools and capabilities:


  • Account-based marketing
  • Multi-Touch Revenue Attribution
  • YouTube Integration
  • Event-based segmentation
  • Predictive lead scoring
  • ... and much more!


In other words, HubSpot Marketing Hub Enterprise makes life easier and simpler for you and your team. It lets HubSpot unleash its many possibilities, and if you combine this with some of the other Hubs such as Sales Hub, you have the ultimate setup for your business.

Ad management

Ad management

Do you also click back and forth between different sites to set up and monitor your campaigns? Then you know the enormous amount of time that is spent keeping everything straight.

With Marketing Hub, you can access HubSpot Ads, which makes advertising on Google and social media platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, and Twitter easier. This means that you no longer have to create ads on four different platforms to have a full campaign up and running. You simply link your HubSpot directly to your social media accounts, and everything can be managed from a single page.

From the Ads-module in HubSpot you also have the ability to create custom audiences based on the data you have already collected in your CRM. This allows you to quickly achieve more relevance with your digital advertising and thus increase your ROI.

Shared inbox

Shared inbox

How does it sound if we tell you that you have the opportunity to get control of your entire communication flow with the inbox in HubSpot? Almost too good to be true, right?

But nevertheless, with a Marketing Hub, you can connect Google Gmail, Messenger, and your chat, so you have one comprehensive overview of a customer or potential customer.

That's already two programs cut - and that's A LOT of clicks.

Live chat

Live chat

In HubSpot Marketing Hub, you will also find a live chat - and even though it may seem insignificant when it pops up in the lower right corner, one thing is important, whether you areB2B or B2C. 

And that's the easy and fast contact with you as a customer or potential customer. That way, they can quickly get answers to the questions that could prevent them from placing an order with you, and they get the knowledge they need to continue their journey on your site or shop.

Unlike most other chat programs you purchase as third-party tools, with HubSpot chat, you get a huge CRM engine.

This means that you can segment your visitors and even assess how a chat should appear, which one should appear, where it should appear, how often it should appear, and who should see it.

Report Dashboard

Report Dashboard

We all know the expression that when you have said 'A', you must also say 'B'. And so it is with marketing. You cannot say 'marketing' without saying 'reporting'.

And don't worry! This is also something that HubSpot Marketing Hub can handle for you. HubSpot has a whole reporting module built into the system. And best of all. It is free to use!

MCB helps you get started with HubSpot Marketing Hub

Which HubSpot Marketing Hub should you choose? It can be difficult to figure out which solution is best for your business and needs. At MCB, we advise you on using Marketing Hub so that it matches your ambitions.


Whether you choose Marketing Hub Free, Marketing Hub Starter, Marketing Hub Professional, or Marketing Hub Enterprise is individual and depends on your marketing needs. The decision can, in some cases, depend on the size and ambitions of the company. Larger organizations that handle a large customer portfolio and have many employees often need Marketing Hub Professional or Marketing Hub Enterprise. This is due to an increased need for automation, so no leads fall through the cracks and information does not get lost between employees and/or departments.


Regardless of which solution you choose for your business, you will find the specialists at MCB to help you. Our HubSpot specialists have the necessary HubSpot certificates, which provide the ultimate prerequisites for advising you in the right direction.

Connect HubSpot with your favorite tools

Our custom integrations have helped many businesses synchronize data and automate repetitive tasks between HubSpot and their preferred systems. You can also benefit from our integrations and thus have more time to focus on increasing your revenue and building stronger relationships with your customers.




HubSpot + Visma.Net

Opnå en mere effektiv forretningsdrift med integrationen mellem HubSpot og Visma.NET. Centralisér dine kunde- og finansdata for at øge produktiviteten og forbedre samarbejdet på tværs af teams. Klik nu for at læse mere om, hvordan denne integration kan forbedre din virksomheds resultater.

HubSpot + Visma economic

Spar tid og forbedr effektiviteten med integrationen mellem HubSpot og Visma e-conomic. Synkronisér dine kunde- og økonomidata, og opret fakturaer direkte fra HubSpot uden at skulle skifte mellem systemer. Klik nu for at læse mere om, hvordan denne integration kan forbedre din virksomheds økonomiske resultater og skabe værdi.

HubSpot Quote + MobilePay

Få hurtigere betalinger via HubSpot Quotes med MobilePay som en betalingsmulighed. Tilbyd nem betaling på dine tilbud via MobilePay, og opnå en mere sømløs salgsproces. Klik nu for at læse mere om, hvordan denne integration kan øge din virksomheds effektivitet.

HubSpot Quotes + Apple Pay

Forbedr din salgsproces og øg sandsynligheden for at konvertere kunder ved at acceptere betalinger via Apple Pay på dine tilbud.
Klik nu for at læse mere om, hvordan denne integration kan øge din virksomheds salgseffektivitet.

HubSpot Quotes + Quickpay

Øg din konverteringsrate og modtag betalinger hurtigere med integrationen mellem HubSpot Quotes og QuickPay. Acceptér en bred vifte af betalingskort og udbydere som MobilePay, Mastercard, Dankort, Visa, Apple Pay og flere. Klik nu for at læse mere om, hvordan denne integration kan forbedre din virksomheds salgseffektivitet og skabe værdi.

HubSpot + Dynamics AX

Forbedr din forretningsdrift og skab mere værdi med integrationen mellem HubSpot og Dynamics AX. Få et samlet overblik over dine salgs- og økonomidata, og frigør ressourcer til at fokusere på vækst. Klik nu for at læse mere om, hvordan denne integration kan optimere din virksomhed.

HubSpot + Dynamics C5

Frigør tid og ressourcer til at fokusere på vækst ved at integrere HubSpot og Dynamics C5. Centralisér dine salgs- og økonomidata, og få et samlet overblik over din forretningsdrift. Klik nu for at læse mere om, hvordan denne integration kan forbedre din virksomheds effektivitet og økonomiske resultater.

HubSpot + Salesforce

Øg din salgseffektivitet og skab bedre resultater med integrationen mellem HubSpot og Salesforce. Centralisér dine kunde- og salgsdata, og få et 360 graders overblik over din forretningsdrift. Klik nu for at læse mere om, hvordan denne integration kan forbedre din virksomheds salgseffektivitet og skabe værdi.

HubSpot + CVR

Optimer din salgsproces og sikr korrekt data med integrationen mellem HubSpot og det danske CVR-register. Få adgang til altid opdaterede kundeoplysninger fra skattemyndighederne, og spar tid på manuel indtastning og validering. Klik nu for at læse mere om, hvordan denne integration kan forbedre din virksomheds salgseffektivitet og skabe værdi.

HubSpot + Microsoft Business Central

Frigør tid og ressourcer til at fokusere på vækst ved at integrere HubSpot og Microsoft Business Central. Få et samlet overblik over dine salgs- og økonomidata, og optimer din forretningsdrift. Klik nu for at læse mere om, hvordan denne integration kan forbedre din virksomheds økonomiske resultater og skabe værdi.

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Frequently asked questions about HubSpot Marketing Hub

What is HubSpot Marketing Hub?

HubSpot Marketing Hub opens the doors to a complete marketing set-up with everything from email marketing automation, workflows, reports, advertising, organic social media posts, and much more. Hear from the HubSpot specialists at MCB about your options with Marketing Hub.

Why should you choose Marketing Hub?
With HubSpot Marketing Hub, you no longer have to juggle between multiple marketing systems. Instead, you can gather everything in one place, so you can easily manage emails, landing pages, forms, reports, and much more with just a few clicks. This saves you and your business valuable time and unnecessary work processes with many clicks.
What does the HubSpot Marketing Hub cost?

The price of Marketing Hub depends on your needs. It is available in a free version, and otherwise, the monthly subscription price may vary. Marketing Hub comes in four different levels, each with different features and prices: Marketing Hub Free, Marketing Hub Starter, Marketing Hub Professional, and Marketing Hub Enterprise.

Do you need help with HubSpot Marketing Hub?

Please fill out the form, and I will contact you as soon as possible.

Rasmus Høegh Refstrup
Customer Manager