Smaller HubSpot Projects

HubSpot is not only for large businesses. The platform can also be advantageous for smaller companies and even lead to great success!

HubSpot is an All-in-one Platform - Where Should you Start?

HubSpot is the ultimate CRM platform with everything you need in sales, marketing, CMS, and customer service. In fact, HubSpot offers tools that can support your entire organization. This can seem overwhelming at first, as you may wonder where to start. The answer is simpler than you think.


HubSpot consists of 5 Hubs: Marketing Hub, Sales Hub, Service Hub, CMS Hub, and Operations Hub

Each of these Hubs contains unique tools within its respective field. The different Hubs are available in both free and multiple paid versions. It is entirely up to you which one(s) you choose to use. You can opt to use just one, or you can combine different Hubs according to your company's needs. So here is where we debunk a misconception: Just because HubSpot is what we call an all-in-one platform, you are not obligated to use everything or pay for it all at once.


On the contrary, HubSpot is designed so that you have complete control over how much of the system you want to utilize. And that is a significant advantage of the platform. You can start with, for example, a Marketing Hub, and when you are ready to scale, you can easily add another Hub to your solution.


Ideally, combining all 5 Hubs into one solution would be optimal, as the platform truly shines in the synergy between the Hubs. However, the dream scenario is not always the reality. And there can be many valid reasons for that. Perhaps your company doesn't have the size for all the Hubs to be relevant. It could also be that you have specific business goals where one Hub is more relevant than another.


Based on years of experience with HubSpot, we have found that for many, it is a good idea to start with 1 Hub and then scale up. Not everyone has the size or capacity to make use of the complete HubSpot setup, and that does not mean HubSpot can not be useful. HubSpot is also perfectly suited for smaller projects in smaller companies!

Meet your HubSpot team


Martin Mensbo Christiansen


Annemette Rosenkilde Lucas


Dennis Rud Christensen

Lead Developer

Daniel Esbersen

Front-end Developer

Lasse Bech Eiler

Ecommerce Solution Architect

Jacob Lykke

Art Director

Anne Bank Lindberg


We will Help you Get Started with your HubSpot Project



MCB assists you with the setup of your new HubSpot solution. We provide support in everything from subscription setup to getting started and ongoing assistance.



New to HubSpot? MCB's certified HubSpot specialists ensure that you receive the training and guidance you need to become self-sufficient.



Once your HubSpot is up and running, we help you maintain the platform, ensuring seamless functionality without downtime and keeping up with the latest updates.


5 Hubs

HubSpot consist of 5 Hubs today; HubSpot Marketing Hub, HubSpot Sales Hub, HubSpot Service Hub, HubSpot Operations Hub, and Hubspot CMS Hub.  Individually, these Hubs are powerful, but together (whether you choose all 5 or just the two that provide the most value to you), they create a powerful setup based on valuable data that allows you to achieve results with your business.


Test HubSpot for free

It can be overwhelming to commit to a complete solution with expensive payments before you have even familiarized yourself with the platform and your own needs within it. HubSpot offers a range of free tools within each of the 5 Hubs: Marketing, Sales, Service, CMS, and Operations.

One fantastic advantage of HubSpot is the opportunity to test their platform before deciding on a potential paid version. This gives you a chance to explore and evaluate all the powerful features and tools offered, and determine if and how HubSpot is the right solution for you.




Create your own HubSpot solution

Once you have decided that HubSpot is the right match, you are not obligated to use all the tools at once. HubSpot has made it possible for you to customize your HubSpot solution using what they call a Bundle. Here, you can choose the Hubs you need, and HubSpot will create a unique price for you.

This means you get a subscription solution that precisely matches your needs. You may require a Marketing HubSpot Professional, a Sales Hub Starter, and a CRM Hub Starter, and HubSpot will assemble your unique solution, offering you a competitive price where you can potentially save money

Get the Most out of HubSpot

Once you have chosen your HubSpot solution, it is important to ensure that you maximize the features that come with it. There are unique tools that can bring value to your business. Here, we highlight some of the key ones.


Marketing tools you don't want to miss out on
If you have opted for HubSpot Marketing Hub, you will have access to a comprehensive suite of marketing tools that can help your business reach its full potential and achieve success. With tools like SEO optimization, advertising, tracking capabilities, and social media integration, you can maximize your online visibility and target your audience more precisely than ever before.


By leveraging HubSpot's SEO tools, you can optimize your website and content to rank higher in search engines and increase organic traffic. With the advertising tools, you can create and manage targeted ads across various platforms and track their effectiveness. The tracking capabilities provide insights into visitor behavior on your website, helping you identify potential leads and customer interests. And by integrating your social media profiles like LinkedIn, Instagram, YouTube, and Facebook into HubSpot, you can manage and schedule content, engage your audience, and track the results of your social media activities.


Content management that streamlines your workflow
If you are interested in HubSpot CMS and want to run your website through HubSpot, there are many content tools awaiting you. It is important to leverage the available tools to create engaging and targeted content. With HubSpot's CTAs (Call-to-Actions), you can guide visitors to take action and increase conversions. The right UX strategy can help you create an intuitive and pleasant experience for your visitors, increasing the chances of conversion and repeat visits. With the advanced themes and drag-and-drop modules in HubSpot, you can create visually appealing websites that reflect your brand and capture the attention of potential customers.


At MCB, we ensure that you are not alone when it comes to harnessing the full potential of HubSpot. We have a team of HubSpot specialists, a marketing team, and a design team ready to assist you in fully leveraging HubSpot. Our specialists can guide you through the platform, identify the best strategies for your business, and help you implement them effectively.


With the right tools, strategies, and expert assistance, you can optimize your efforts, improve your online visibility, and establish a stronger market presence. At MCB, we're ready to help you achieve your goals and get the most out of HubSpot, regardless of the HubSpot solution you choose - whether big or small. No project is impossible in HubSpot

How do you Wish to Combine the Hubs?


Marketing Hub
Service Hub
Sales Hub
Operations Hub


Marketing Hub + Sales Hub

The combination enables marketing and sales to collaborate, exchange data, and work towards common goals. You can easily transfer leads from marketing to sales, track their interactions across both areas, and provide a more personalized and effective customer experience. The combination helps generate more leads and convert them into customers.

Marketing Hub + CMS Hub

A powerful combination of marketing technology and a robust content management system (CMS). The combination enables you to create, manage, and market content from one place. You can create landing pages and forms to capture leads, personalize content, and track engagement and conversions. It helps improve marketing efforts, increase visibility and conversion rates, while providing a seamless user experience.

Marketing Hub + Operations Hub

A comprehensive and integrated solution for driving marketing activities and managing the company's operational processes. You can synchronize and share data between marketing and sales, automate lead qualification, create custom workflows, and automate repetitive tasks. The combination helps create a more cohesive and efficient operation, where marketing and operational functions work closely together to achieve common business goals.

Marketing Hub + Service Hub

An integrated solution where marketing and customer service work hand in hand. You can ensure a seamless transition from marketing efforts to customer support and use customer behavior and preference data to deliver personalized support and service. The combination helps create a cohesive customer experience, where marketing and service work together to attract, convert, and delight customers.

Service Hub + Marketing Hub

An integrated solution where marketing and customer service work hand in hand. You can ensure a seamless transition from marketing efforts to customer support and use customer behavior and preferences data to deliver personalized support and service. The combination helps create a cohesive customer experience, where marketing and service work together to attract, convert, and delight customers.

Service Hub + CMS Hub

A powerful solution for delivering exceptional customer support and managing the content on your website. You can provide assistance and support resources for customers to find answers and solutions to their questions and issues. The combination helps improve the customer experience, make support content more accessible, and streamline customers' path to finding the information they need.

Service Hub + Operations Hub

A combination that delivers exceptional customer support and efficiently manages the operational processes of the business. You can ensure a seamless transition from support inquiries to operational actions, automate workflows, and leverage data from customer support to improve processes and outcomes in the company. The combination helps create a more efficient and holistic approach to delivering service and managing the business's operations.

Service Hub + Sales Hub

A composition that enables delivering customer support while driving sales activities in a cohesive manner. You can easily transfer leads from support to sales, share critical customer information between support and sales teams, and create a seamless customer experience across both areas. The combination helps strengthen customer relationships, optimize the sales process, and improve the overall customer experience.

Sales Hub + Marketing Hub

The combination enables marketing and sales to collaborate, exchange data, and work towards common goals. You can easily transfer leads from marketing to sales, track their interactions across both areas, and provide a more personalized and effective customer experience. The combination helps generate more leads and convert them into customers.

Sales Hub + Service Hub

A combination that enables delivering customer support while simultaneously driving sales activities in a cohesive manner. You can easily transfer leads from support to sales, share important customer information between support and sales teams, and create a seamless customer experience across both areas. The combination helps strengthen customer relationships, optimize the sales process, and enhance the overall customer experience.

Sales Hub + Operations Hub

This combination enables driving sales activities while simultaneously managing the operational processes of the company from one place. You can automate and streamline the transition from the sales process to subsequent operational actions, share important sales data across teams, and achieve a more holistic and efficient approach to sales and operations.

Sales Hub + CMS Hub

An integrated solution where you can drive sales activities while simultaneously managing the content on your website from one place. You can use sales insights and data to create targeted content, customize landing pages, and provide personalized experiences for potential customers. This combination enhances customer satisfaction, increases conversion rates, and optimizes overall sales and marketing efforts on your website.

CMS Hub + Sales Hub

An integrated solution where you can drive sales activities while simultaneously managing the content on your website from one place. You can leverage sales insights and data to create targeted content, customize landing pages, and provide personalized experiences for potential customers. This combination enhances customer satisfaction, increases conversion rates, and optimizes overall sales and marketing efforts on your website.

CMS Hub + Marketing Hub

A powerful combination of marketing technology and a robust content management system (CMS). This combination enables you to create, manage, and market content from one place. You can create landing pages and forms to capture leads, personalize content, and track engagement and conversions. It helps improve marketing efforts, increase visibility, and conversion rates while providing a seamless user experience.

CMS Hub + Service Hub

A powerful solution for delivering exceptional customer support and managing the content on your website. You can provide help and support resources, allowing customers to find answers and solutions to their questions and problems. The combination helps improve the customer experience, make support content more accessible, and facilitate customers' path to finding the information they need.

CMS Hub + Operations Hub

You get an integrated solution for managing the content on your website while optimizing operational processes. You can use insights from operational data to tailor the content, personalize the user experience, and drive targeted engagement. The combination helps optimize both content management and business processes, contributing to a more efficient and results-oriented operation.

Operations Hub + CMS Hub

You get an integrated solution for managing the content on your website while simultaneously optimizing operational processes. You can use insights from operational data to tailor the content, personalize the user experience, and drive targeted engagement. The combination helps optimize both content management and business processes, contributing to a more efficient and results-oriented operation.

Operations Hub + Marketing Hub

A comprehensive and integrated solution for driving marketing activities and managing the operational processes of the company. You can synchronize and share data between marketing and sales, automate lead qualification, create custom workflows, and automate repetitive tasks. The combination helps create a more cohesive and efficient operation, where marketing and operational functions work closely together to achieve common business goals.

Operations Hub + Service Hub

A combination that delivers outstanding customer support and efficiently manages the operational processes of the company. You can ensure a seamless transition from support inquiries to operational actions, automate workflows, and use data from customer support to improve the processes and outcomes in the company. The combination helps create a more efficient and holistic approach to delivering service and managing the company's operations.

Operations Hub + Sales Hub

This combination enables you to drive sales activities while simultaneously managing the operational processes of the company from one place. You can automate and streamline the transition from the sales process to subsequent operational actions, share important sales data across teams, and achieve a more holistic and efficient approach to sales and operations.

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Do you Need Help with your HubSpot Project?

Rasmus Høegh Refstrup
Customer Manager